Become a Pilgrim
Register now to:
Register now to:
Get discounted ski lift tickets - register by the end of the day on Friday, August 18, to reserve a discounted return ski lift ticket for $20 (normally $30). You pay this at the ticket office at the bottom of the ski lift.
Catch a ride - carpoolers meet at 7:45 a.m. at The Aetherius Society Headquarters parking lot, 6202 Afton Pl, Los Angeles. Rides need to be arranged in advance to ensure we have sufficient space available.
Let us know you are making your own way there - we meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Mount Baldy Resort parking lot at the bottom of the ski lift (view map). Parking costs $10 for the day.
Interview with Rev. Paul Nugent from The Aetherius Society, organizers of the World Peace Pilgrimage